Book Reviews

We’re so thankful for the positive response to I’m Done With Either/Or Thinking.

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I just finished reading your AMAZING book, “I’m Done With Either/Or Thinking” and I’d like to thank you sincerely for writing this book! So much has opened up for me since reading your book and taking the assessments based on the questions and chosen scriptures you provided! Thank you so much for paving the way and inspiring me to never put my pen down, no matter how many battles with my own writing I’ve had through the years.

Isis G

What A Read!- I so enjoyed this book! It gave me tremendous insight into altering mindsets, and challenging norms that keep us from soaring to new heights. My thought life has been shifted, and I have challenged to believe for more and to get moving! Thank you Erica Reneé for obeying God, and producing such a worthy tool! I’m Done With Either/Or Thinking. (Excerpt from Amazon review.)

Dexter S.

Don’t miss your blessing! The message is on point and it is an easy read. Buy this for your friends or someone you might know that is struggling to find their way. (Excerpt from Amazon Review)

Portia S.

This book has helped me look at the glass as half full. I feel more empowered as I am aware of my thought patterns and am dismantling my negative thinking with the power of God’s Word. This book has been a blessing.

Amazon Customer

It was just that good. I’m now more motivated and determined to accomplish …

I’m normally not an avid reader or book person but I read “I’m Done With Either/Or Thinking” in one sitting! It was just that good. I’m now more motivated and determined to accomplish all of the plans God has placed on my heart and refuse to let any negative thoughts get in the way. I sent a copy to both of my moms and will send as gifts to many of the women in my life. READ THIS BOOK. It will truly change your life.

Carmen C.

Great job Minister Erica! This book was an excellent read. It also serves as a constant reminder that God’s love for us is unconditional and unwavering regardless of how we view ourselves. Thank you for writing this book!

Shanee C.

OMG OMG OMG I can not put this book down!!! I’m finding and acknowledging my “either/or” thinking patterns. “Its hard to serve the limitless God when we have limited thinking”. Now it’s time clean house!! This book is such a blessing Min. Erica. Thank You!

Laire H.

When we get rid of the wrong thinking, we can enjoy the right kind of living” is really a bomb quote because it’s so true. Your book is helping me apply biblical reasoning to why I see my glass half-full and more importantly. While growing up, I can remember some of the well-meaning adults in my life repeatedly tell me “you’re doing too much” and “you can’t do everything” and even call me an overachiever as a form of insult to discourage me from doing things that I knew in my heart that I wanted to do and that I knew I could do WITHOUT compromising any of my current responsibilities. Fast forward, as a married woman, mother of an energetic toddler and business owner I’ve definitely struggled with either/or thinking … for example, I can be a supportive wife to my husband OR a successful boss babe … I can spend quality time with my son OR I can level up and build my business …Those seeds of doubt that were planted (and believed) years ago have tried time and time again to trick me into thinking that I can cultivate a happy, love-infused family OR live the entrepreneurial life of my dreams, but surely not both simultaneously. But I’m DONE with Either/Or thinking! Well, hallelujah & AMEN! Thank you for writing these words Min. Erica and sharing your heart with us! #ThinkBigLiveBIG #BossBabeBehavior

LaVista J.

Captures the reader’s attention from start to finish

I love how she breaks down the pages and their not a long read. I also like how the book is set up and backed up with scripture. I’m the type if you give me advice, back it up with real-life experiences. Overall a good read and very useful in our modern day times! A good author can write books but a great author captures and keeps the reader’s attention from beginning to end. A good author can put words together to make a book but a great author gives meaning to those words and brings them to life. Looking forward to more from this author.

Monica J.

I love the transparency and straight talk of the author. Oh, My Goodness! This book has definitely transformed my process of thinking. I love the transparency and straight talk of the author. I also appreciate how she interweaves scripture with present-day realities. In every chapter, the author provides suggestions to help you overcome negative either or thoughts. The end of each chapter also challenges the reader with an activity to help reinforce the lessons of the chapter. Lastly, I appreciate the fact that this is an easy read power packed with practical wisdom for everyday life. I’m done with either/or thinking too!

Evelyn G.